Maître Tseng & Trudon
The Journey of water
Trudon collaborates with Maître Tseng to imagine a collection of three scented candles that celebrate the world of tea and its five thousand years history.

This collection of scented candles is expressed in three stages.
In L’Esprit de l’Eau, water remains between its vapor and liquid states, it has not yet made its choice. In its barely embodied purity, water remains with the grey-green shades of mountains.
While running on slopes, water meets with the poetic freshness of a floral universe. In Sous un Ciel de Pétales, water remembers that it used to be a cloud by embodying a cloud of spring fragrances.
Diving underground, water densifies, takes on notes of humus and becomes peaty: Terre à Terre precisely describes this water as it mixes with terroir.

Yu Hui Tseng, from a very old Chinese family and is descendant of the first disciple of Confucius, represents both tradition and modernity in tea.
Maître Tseng spends most of her time in Asia with exceptional tea producers. More than thirty years ago, she made her first expeditions along the ancient tea routes in remote regions to reach the primary forests where the precious leaves are harvested in extreme conditions. As vigilant as she is demanding, Maître Tseng orchestrates every single stage of the elaboration of her teas.
As the holder of the tradition, she has brought tea into the modern era, creating close relationships with great figures of world gastronomy. Personalities such as Alain Senderens or Pierre Gagnaire, fascinated by the precision and poetry of her perceptions, have accompanied her in the creation of tea and food pairings. In many ways, Maître Tseng has revolutionized tea tasting, setting an example in Asia and Europe.

In the early 1990s, in the heart of the Quartier Latin (Paris), Maître Tseng created La Maison des Trois Thés, which has become the largest tea cellar in the world and a sanctuary for connoisseurs and professionals. In this veritable conservatory of tea, time stands still: a love of tea objects, historic furniture, ancient ceramics, a line of sober tea chests reminiscent of prayer wheels and calligraphy on the walls embody an age-old art of living where tea is king.